The Public Works staff are responsible for the regular maintenance around our First Nation.
This includes:
- Lawn care /Winter Control for all Band Operations, Qualified Seniors and Disable
- Ground preparation for our Annual Pow Wow
- Preparation for Solidarity Day Festivities
- Cemetery Preparation/Funerals
- Traditional Events and Sponsored Programs
- Water/ Sewer Maintenance
- Pet services (Dog Catcher and Straw for Outdoor Pets)
- Road Maintenance (Potholes, Signs and Catch basins)
- Ball Diamond Maintenance
- Garbage and Re-Cycling Depot
- Beaver Dam Removal and Maintenance
- Riverbank Maintenance
- Tree Trimming and Removal
These are just a few of the services provided for and within our Community. Throughout the year the staff and students were extremely busy maintaining and upgrading our First Nation. We also had the opportunity to work with some of our Partners with Brush Clearing and Easement Maintenance, this allowed the opportunity for some of our members to gain work experience.
Wilson Plain
Public Works Coordinator
Aamjiwnaang Public Works Garage
369 Plain Lane
Sarnia, ON N7T 7H5
Phone: 519-336-0510
Cell: (519) 330-8749
ON-CALL CONTACT NUMBER – (519) 331-3596
Brian Bois – Building Maintenance Lead – (519) 330-7375
Robert Rogers – Public Works Operator
Dan Williams – Public Works Foreman
Justyn Stone – Equipment Maintenance Lead