NIHB & Medical Transportation

The Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Program provides coverage for a limited range of medically necessary goods and services for eligible First Nations individuals.  It may repay some or all of the costs incurred when health care programs, products or services are purchased.  This includes a range of medical, dental and pharmacy services when they are not covered by provincial or other third-party health plans.

Benefits of the NIHB Program include:

  • Drugs
  • Dental
  • Medical Supplies and Equipment
  • Medical Transportation
  • Eye & Vision Care
  • Short-term Crisis Intervention Mental Health Counselling
  • Chiropractic Care

Important Client Information

When you call or see a health care provider, there things you need to keep in mind to make sure you don’t end up with out of pocket expenses.

Please ask the provider if:

  • They bill directly to the NIHB Program and/or,
  • If the service is an eligible benefit with the NIHB Program.

If you are asked to pay up front or told an item or service isn’t covered, please call for assistance. There are times you may be able to request an exception or make an appeal.

For help navigating the NIHB Program, you can contact:

  • Aamjiwnaang Health Centre – Mikeesha Bressette, Nurse
  • NIHB Client Information Line at 1-800-640-0642. Please have your 10-digit status number ready.
  • NIHB Dental Client Information Line at 1-888-283-8885

Medical Transportation Program

This program provides volunteer Contract Drivers or private mileage to attend medical appointments funded by OHIP or NIHB. Trips to pick up prescriptions at the pharmacy are not eligible.

To schedule a ride:    Contact reception at the Health Centre

For prior approval:     Contact Peggy Rogers, Administrative Assistant or call 1-800-640-0642

There are two benefit areas in the Medical Transportation Program:

  1. Regular Medical Transportation – Services all status individuals living in Aamjiwnaang (on-reserve) who travel to the following locations:

Sarnia                                                  Petrolia

Corunna                                              Strathroy

London                                                Chatham

Windsor                                               Kettle & Stony Point

Forest                                                  Health Centre

  1. Prior Approved Medical Transportation – Services all members of Aamjiwnaang living on or off-reserve.
    • On-reserve – transportation outside the catchment area or requiring accommodations/meals
    • Off-reserve – all trips require prior approval. Inner city travel is not eligible (e.g. Sarnia to Sarnia)
    • Methadone/Suboxone – clients need to make an appointment with the Outreach Team at the Health Centre

Please see the Tribe-Une for an updated list of Contract Medical Drivers.

NIHB Program

General Program Information:

Reimbursement requests:

Subscribe to updates:


Related Pages


Director of Health Services
Sara Plain, DC

Administrative Assistant
Peggy Rogers

1300 Tashmoo Avenue
Sarnia, ON N7T 7H5
Telephone: 519-332-6770
Toll Free 1-888-220-2262
Fax: 519-332-8925




Harrison Plain
Band Manager
Aamjiwnaang Administration Office
978 Tashmoo Ave.
Sarnia, ON  N7T 7H5
Phone:  519-336-8410 Ext. 288
Fax:  519-336-0382