Spay/Neuter Clinic
Maawn Doosh Gumig Community Centre 1972 Virgil Avenue, Sarnia, ONAPPOINTMENTS WILL NOT BE GIVEN UNTIL PAYMENT IS MADE Dog Spay/Neuter - $150.00 Cat Spay/Neuter - $90.00 Contact Roberta to sign up - 519-332-6770
APPOINTMENTS WILL NOT BE GIVEN UNTIL PAYMENT IS MADE Dog Spay/Neuter - $150.00 Cat Spay/Neuter - $90.00 Contact Roberta to sign up - 519-332-6770
Winter Art & Craft Show. Sign up with peggy 519-332-6770
Four year anniversary of Aamjiwnaang Heritage and Culture Feast and Honoring Ceremony for Gimme Kwe Joanne Rogers. Contact Marina Plain or Audrey Jacobs 519-328-0942
Fundraiser for Rayjon's Partnership with a malnourishment clinic and a school in Haiti. Dinner includes: Stuffed chicken with asparagus and cheese, Roasted potatoes, Green salad with berries and pine nuts for $20.00, Bottled water or Pepsi for $1.00. Pick up meals packaged to go 519-330-2522.
Contact Peggy to sign up 519-332-6770
Contact MaLynda or Joanne to register 519-332-6770
To volunteer or give new soup recipes contact Liz 519-332-6770