Environment Department

The Environment Department works under the Environment Committee who works under Aamjiwnaang First Nation Chief and Council.

Aamjiwnaang is a small First Nation Community located on the shores of the St. Clair River in South West Ontario. Being situated within the city limits of Sarnia Ontario provides Aamjiwnaang, and its members, many unique opportunities, economic development and employment to name a couple. Bordered on three sides by Canada’s largest petrochemical refining concentration, (40% of Canada’s Petrochemical refineries), Aamjiwnaang also has a disproportionate amount of pollution related illnesses and side effects. The Environment Committee was formed in 2002 in response to the announcement of Suncor’s new Ethanol Plant location, on our borders. In 2007 and Environmental Officer was hired to oversea daily operations of the Environment Department. 2 additional contract positions were created a Health and Environment Consultation Worker and a Health and Environment Worker.


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Lynn Rosales
Environment Coordinator

Annex Building
978 Tashmoo Ave.
Sarnia, ON  N7T 7H5
Phone:  519-336-8410
Ext. 245
Fax:  519-336-0382




Harrison Plain
Band Manager
Aamjiwnaang Administration Office
978 Tashmoo Ave.
Sarnia, ON  N7T 7H5
Phone:  519-336-8410 Ext. 288
Fax:  519-336-0382