Aamjiwnaang Alternative and Continuing Education
976 Tashmoo Ave.
Sarnia, ON N7T 7H5
Phone: 519-336-8410
The Aamjiwnaang Adult Continuing Education program (AACE) can assist you to upgrade your skills though the Literacy and Basic Skills Program (LBS) or to get your Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) through the Credit Granting Program.
For more information, please contact LBS@aamjiwnaang.ca, or visit Aamjiwnaang Alternative & Continuing Education Program.
Literacy and Basic Skills Program (LBS)
The LBS program helps adults 18 and older achieve their goals through support and training.
Our instructor will work with you one-on-one to determine your goals:
- Secondary School Credit
- Employment
- Apprenticeship
- Independence
- Post – Secondary
We will then assist you in developing a learning plan that will help you meet your goals.
The LBS Program can help you to upgrade your skills in:
- Computer Technology
- Reading
- Writing
- Mathematics
- Finances and Budgeting
- Time Management
- Goal Setting
- Working with Others
Literacy and Work Ready Skills – https://youtu.be/KGhdeLK9tqY
Credit Granting Program
Aamjiwnaang’s Credit Granting Program, in partnership with L.K.D.S.B helps adults 18 and older earn their OSSD by completing missed credits.
For a lot of older adults who are eligible for maturity credits, they may only be 4 courses away from their diploma. Is that you?
If you need grade 9 or 10 credits you may be eligible to participate in the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition Program (PLAR) and get a jump start on attaining your diploma!
Speak with our instructor and start preparing for your future today!
- Digital Literacy: https://youtu.be/TQ9IglojZm8
- Soft Skills: https://youtu.be/JdUQ0dX-_Tw
- Math Booster: https://youtu.be/aDzcJPuWEnI
Our Staff