
The Signing Ceremony for Aamjiwnaang’s Chi’Naaknigewin (Community Constitution) was held on April 11, 2017.  See story in The Observer.

On October 27, 2016 the Aamjiwnaang Chi’Naaknigewin was ratified!  The results were as follows:

153 Votes Cast

140 ballots were marked “YES”

13 ballots were marked “NO”

5 ballots were rejected

See Certificate of Vote by Ratification Officer.

Aamjiwnaang Chi’Naaknigewin – Signed into Law on April 11, 2017.

Plain Language Summary of Aamjiwnaang Constitution – approved by Council on August 30, 2016

Ratification Timeline

Watch this YouTube Video explaining why we should develop a Constitution:  First Nation Constitution Building: Chi-Naaknigewin

Follow us on Facebook.

NOTE: Please remind all your off-reserve friends and family to provide their up-to-date mailing address to Carolyn Nahmabin at 519-336-8410 or to to ensure that they receive their information package and mail-in ballot in a timely manner.





