Prevention & Band Representative Services

Prevention & Band Representative Services

Child and Family Services Building

974 Tashmoo Avenue

Sarnia, Ontario

N7T 7H5


Prevention Services

Aamjiwnaang’s prevention team works to provide prevention, and limited intervention to client/families that are referred for services. Our team adhering to guidelines set by the Ministry if Children and Youth Services, while abiding by Aamjiwnaang First Nation philosophy, policies, and regulations. We provide advocacy and assistance for children and families who are at risk (of violence, neglect, or abuse) and who may become involved with Children’s Aid Society.

Family Support Services are offered to help strengthen families by providing support which enables them to provide care for their children. Staff attend home visits, coordinate and attend case meetings and generally make themselves available to assist in any way families find helpful.

Prevention Supervisor

Tanya Aviles –

Prevention Worker

Vicki Jacobs –

Patty Gilbert –

Jessica Plain –

Administrative Assistant

Brittany Jacobs –

If you have any protections concerns regarding any child(ren), please fill out the following form

All forms go to our referral email, which is monitored by the Preventions Supervisor and Band Representative

Band Representative Services

The Band Representative plays a vital role in supporting Aamjiwnaang children in their journey towards wellbeing and unity. The Band Representative is there to support families in ways that are meaningful to them. The Band Representative Connects the family to any supports they may need. But, most importantly, the Band Representative ensures that our Nation’s children have advocates to ensure they are being treated fairly and that they are given a voice.

If you are looking for Band Representatives services all referrals must go to –

If you are attempting to serve Aamjiwnaang First Nation regarding a court matter, please email –

Band Representative

Ember Chapdelaine

Band Representative Officer

Alexa Giorgi



Sarnia Lambton Alerts – St. Clair River Spill

Aamjiwnaang Members, Please see the below notification. The spill has no impact on Aamjiwnaang First Nation drinking water. During this time, the community may notice boats, booms and emergency response vehicles responding. Shell Manufacturing Centre in Corunna is also assisting in the emergency response. We will continue to provide updates as they become available. Miigwech

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